Bederní trapéz na wingfoiling Unifiber

Kód: UF059080010 UF059080020 UF059080030 UF059080040 Zvolte variantu
Značka: Unifiber
2 280 Kč
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Možnosti doručení

Lehký trapez na wingfoiling od Unifiber je navržen pro ty, kdo hledají pocit, jako by na sobě neměli vůbec nic.


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Detailní popis produktu


Unifiber lightweight WIngfoil Harness is developed for those who value a barely-there feel.

Inspired by other wind watersports, the Wingfoil Harness improves force distribution and alleviates arm fatigue. As a result, the rider can fly longer and tack upwind more efficiently.

The continuous webbing strap angles upwards, following the wing's direction. When in flight, the Wing Harness effectively spreads the load across the lower back, allowing hands to focus on wing control. The front padding prevents any discomfort from the hook pressing against your stomach.

To simplify putting on the harness, the hook strap is equipped with a quick-release buckle. Additionally, this feature prevents the hook from sliding off when the strap is released.

The interior is lined with soft neoprene making it very comfortable, particularly when used on bare skin.

If the ankle or wrist leashes are getting in the way, the Wingfoil harness features two alternative leash attachment points.

harness wingfoiling unifiber detail
harness wingfoiling unifiber detail  hak
harness wingfoiling unifiber detail  logo unifiber

To nejdůležitější v bodechKlady a zápory

  • Slanted strap distributes the load more efficiently without pulling the harness up
  • Neoprene lining protects skin and wetsuit
  • Sliding hook can be moved out of the way when not in use
  • Two leash attachement points
  • Nothing

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Trapézy

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